At Desford Dental Care, we can offer our patients a way to transform their smile in just one, minimally-invasive treatment with composite bonding.
What is composite bonding?
Composite bonding is designed to help create a more even, uniform, and photogenic smile. It is a minimally-invasive treatment which means there is rarely any need for drills or injections, and yet it can help radically transform a smile. We often recommend using it in conjunction with other cosmetic treatments, as a way to help create the finish you’re looking for.
Which treatments can composite bonding be used with?
Composite bonding doesn’t have to be used alongside other treatments, but it’s often used after or with orthodontics, teeth whitening, and veneers.
What is it made of?
Composite bonding is made of a composite resin material that is able to mimic the shade, shape, and surface of the tooth. It looks completely natural and yet can also help enhance your smile. Because it can be colour matched, we’re able to either match the composite bonding to your natural teeth or go brighter and match them to teeth-whitened teeth.
What is the treatment like?
Composite bonding can be applied in just one appointment and rarely ever requires any drilling or injections. The material will be bonded directly to the teeth and our skilled dentists will be able to shape it to create the desired effect.
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